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Monday, September 27, 2010

College Writing, September 27, 2010

The Cornell Method Link is here:

READ: 1. The world's most famous article on annotation by Mortimer Adler.

2. There were a myriad of errors on this run of essays that call for some Hacker work. Please peruse the following sections over the next few weeks: Punctuation beginning on page 270 (especially section on comma use), Parallel Ideas on page 84, Tenses, verbs beginning on page 215.

WRITE: Optional revision of essay #1

Extra Credit: Who is the person pictured in this post. Why did I include him? What is he famous for? First correct commenters get it.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

College Writing, September 22, 2010


1. RF Chapter 5

2. This is the New York Times topic page on Pakistan. It reflects the full breadth of issues that have plagued that country and focuses on its strained and varied relationship with the U.S. Use information on this page to supplement the videos also attached to this post. Don't get too bogged down in the people and details, just take away a SENSE of the issues. You never know when a current event may sneak on to a quiz. Here is today's video. Also for Monday, please view this video on reactions to Taliban in popular music.

Journal 3: React to what you watched and connect it to the things you read in the Times. What is your perspective about what is happening over there, especially in terms of the human rights angle discussed in the videos? What most affected you about the things you learned? Why? How does it alter your perception of RF? Does anything you saw today give you specific insight into your perception of Changez? Explain why or why not.

3. Revision of Formal Essay #2

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

College Writing: September 15, 2010 Assignments

1. Hand in revision of Essay #1. PLEASE REMEMBER -- ALWAYS -- to get credit for a revision, you MUST submit the subsequent drafts. So attach your originals. I want to see ALL drafts you write. Always put your latest, freshest draft on top.
[the_reluctant_fundamentalist.jpg] 2. Peruse hacker's "Glossary of Usage" which begins on page 565

3. Read RF chapters 3 & 4. Do Journal #2 (same as journal 1) on any of the questions provided below.

4. Don't forget about the article and the quiz -- I didn't. 

Chapter 4:

1. How does Changez’s story of how he got his scar reveal some of his biases against America? (46-47) (a couple of possible answers here)

2. How, in the pre-9/11 days in NYC, did the narrator feel riding the subways dressed in a white kurta? (48) (look up kurta if you need to)

3. Where does Erica live? What other association does Changez make with her apartment type? (49)

4. What is Erica referring to when she says, “It’s done”? (53)

5. What comparison does Changez make when he comments that alcohol is illegal in Pakistan? (53-54)

6. How does Changez reply to the American when he asks if drinking is considered a sin in Islam? What did they—at that moment—understand about each other’s cultures? (54)

7. Back to NY and dinner at Erica’s, what happens that annoys Changez? (54-55)

8. Later that evening, Changez fails to make conversation with the cap driver he knows is Pakistani. How are the two incidents related? (55-56)

9. What intimacies do we learn about Erica in chapter 4? How is there relationship changing? (55-61)

10. Back to Lahore, how does the American react to the lights going out? How does Changez react? What animal does Changez compare the American to? How is this amusing? (60-61)

Monday, September 13, 2010

College Writing: Class 2: September 13, 2010

1. Read AC Press article on writing

2. Read RF Chapter 1 & 2 / Journal #1: Choose one (or more) of the following questions from the guides to focus on for journal #1: Chapter 1: Q: 9, 17 & 21. Chapter 2: 4, 9 & 12.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

College Writing: Assignments for Class One: Wednesday, September 8, 2010

1. Post my blog in your favorites. If you can, it would be awesome of you to sign-up for a g-mail account and register with Blogspot...this way you can communicate with me through the comments section.

2. Choose one of the questions posed below. Write me one full page answer. Keep in mind that this is your “coming out party” as a writer for this course. Present your best work. Show me what you are capable of mechanically. Show me how creative you can be! And remember Costal’s Crazy Ceys. Should be typed with specifications reviewed in syllabus. Labeled as Formal Essay #1.

Questions for Formal Essay #1:

A. Explain what you would like people to have learned from you.
B. Write a piece explaining some unrealistic expectations others (or you) have placed on you (or could have placed on you), OR explain how you have done the same to someone else.
C. Write about something you "know to be true," but do not face.
D. Explain the chararteristics you would most want to inherit from your parents, OR explain the characteristics you would least like to inherit from them.
E. In an ideal world, explain what you would most like to devote your life to doing.

3. Complete Learning Inventory sheets as per my instructions.