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Monday, September 27, 2010

College Writing, September 27, 2010

The Cornell Method Link is here:

READ: 1. The world's most famous article on annotation by Mortimer Adler.

2. There were a myriad of errors on this run of essays that call for some Hacker work. Please peruse the following sections over the next few weeks: Punctuation beginning on page 270 (especially section on comma use), Parallel Ideas on page 84, Tenses, verbs beginning on page 215.

WRITE: Optional revision of essay #1

Extra Credit: Who is the person pictured in this post. Why did I include him? What is he famous for? First correct commenters get it.


  1. Cornel West, a prominent blackacedemic, Philospher and Civil Rights Activist.

    You included him because he ties in with what we are or will be talking about in class :)

  2. and because his name is cornel lol

  3. Cornel West is African-American activist who is famous for his writing of books about the civil rights time. He's been strongly involved with civil rights since a kid. He marched with Malcolm X. his most famous book was Race Matters.

    He considers himself in his own words “a bluesman in the life of the mind, a jazzman in the world of ideas, forever on the move.”
