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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

EOF Class #4, July 6, 2011

Study Guide Questionless for Shoeless Joe

Chapter 2, “They Tore Down the Polo Grounds in 1964”:

1. How does Ray feel about Annie’s family? (p 26)

2. What does Joe say to Ray when he keeps asking about the catcher? (p 28)

3. What does the ballpark announcer next say to Ray (p 31)

4. How does Ray know that the announcer is referring to the writer JD Salinger? (p 32)

5. Why does Ray think that Salinger “knows” him? (p 37)

6. What does Ray feel as he prepares to drive off to New Hampshire in search of JD Salinger to take him to a baseball game? (p 42)

7. Describe the meeting of Ray and Salinger. (p 60 – 65)

8. How does Annie’s family feel about Ray? (p 71 – 73)

9. How does Annie respond to her brother Mark calling Ray an anachronism? What is an anachronism? (p 73)

10. What is the only way people can tell Ray and his identical twin Richard apart? (p 73)

11. How did Richard become estranged from the family? (p 73 – 75)

12. How does Ray respond to JD (Jerry) Salinger when he asks how he knew that the announcer was referring to him? (p 75)

13. What message does the scoreboard at Fenway Park send to Ray and Jerry? What does the announcer say that only Ray and Jerry can hear? (p 90-93)

14. What does “Go the distance” mean? Where are they headed next? How do they feel? (p100-101)

1. Read article, "How to Mark a Book" by Mortimer Adler.
2. Read the article, "The Sacred Grove of Oshogbo" (given in module). For Journal #3, write about the author's main point and purpose. Provide specific evidence from the text that evinces this. Point to the particulars. After, discuss the particular images the author uses to make his point. Identify any rhetorical devices. You still have your paper...did YOU provide a paragraph similar to the second one in this reading? One that establishes your purpose? One that establishes a main idea?
3. Continue reading SJ

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