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Monday, September 14, 2015

Class #3: IN-CLASS ACTIVITY: Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday, February 2, 2015, 
IN-CLASS ACTIVITY: Learning Inventory  

Take five minutes to do the following at the beginning of class. 

1. Review your completed LIC paperwork.

2. Read the given sheet that outlines the meaning of each category.

3. On the back of your worksheet, write a few sentences explaining if, after reading the handout, you think you belong in a different group. Identify the group and briefly explain why.

4. Then, on another piece of paper write a few sentences in response to the following questions.

Consider your own personal educational experiences when answering:
      A. Considering the strengths and weaknesses of your learning style, and considering the way public education is structured, what has been one of the most challenging parts of being a student? In other words, what causes you to struggle? What do you have the hardest time dealing with?

      B. Considering the strengths and weaknesses of your learning style, and considering the way public education is structured, what is something you excel at that many of your peers struggle with? In other words, what comes easy to you as a student?

     C. Everyone is going to be put into a family. If you had a chance to interview for a spot in your family, how would you sell yourself? In other words, why would I want you (or someone like you) in MY family?

5. Make-sure you hand these papers in before you leave class today.

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