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Monday, June 25, 2012

Welcome to EOF let's get it started!

Here are some afternoon tutoring module rules to live by:

Rule #1:

2. Arrive on time. I will check each day. No excuses. Be there.

3. Each day I will dictate what I want accomplished during the tutoring module, and the assignments will appear on this blog. The tutors will help you achieve the goals I've set. Be cooperative, so the tutors can stay in the role of “tutor” and not have to get ugly.

this is how Eddie does it...

4. The tutoring module IS NOT high school study hall. We all know that study halls were for snoozing, flirting or worse! At Stockton, the tutoring modules will be a time for intense reading and studying, quiz taking, computer work, or writing. Flirt, sleep or flirt with sleep on your own time.

5. A computer lab will be available during most module days. This will be shared with Professors Cross' and Jackson's classes. Use it if you need it and be courteous to the needs of others. NO FOOD OR DRINK ALLOWED IN THESE LABS. 

6. NO chit chat, iPods, iPads, cell phones, video game systems, sleeping, letter writing, personal reading, e-mail checking or web browsing. Math homework can be done through permission from the tutors only. No bathroom breaks. No bladder control? Try to plan ahead. No kidding. Remember:

7. YES, get a jump on the day's assignment (so you can have more time to flirt, sleep or chit chat in the evening). YES, ask the tutors for help with difficult readings or a tricky essay assignment. YES, form study groups if test time is approaching. YES, help each other out; look out for fellow classmates who may need your help. YES, make me proud, so I can spread the word to the EOF senior staff that you deserve pats on the back.

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