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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Piece 3


  1. It is a windy night in a small town, illuminated by bright stars, allowing the eyes to play tricks and blur the view.

  2. The amplified colors and shapes give off such a strong sense of passion, and emotional force, causing the inability to stop staring at such beauty.

  3. The community seems perfect, with houses close by and a church in the center of the neighborhood, however as day turns to night the distracting sky suggests that it may not be such a utopian society after all.

  4. In the cosmic perspective of life, humans believe their civilizations are unique but perhaps they actually blend with the rest of the universe.

  5. it looks like a peaceful town but the sky suggests that something uneasy is about to happen throughout the town!

  6. Brandon Kokoszka

    The swirls of wind in the sky accentuate the beauty of the night in this tiny little town nestled in the mountains.

  7. The blending of sky and land suggests thatpeople tend to be boxed in within their surroundings because they can't comprehend how complex and diverse the outside world really is.

  8. The town in the valley below is beautiful and remote seemingly a perfect place to live, but the hideous mass coming out of the ground and the unease of the sky suggest that a higher being that rules over this suburb is angry and is ready to destroy all living beings.
